
Quick Tour

REPORTS: Creating & Printing

About the service ...

Below are details for each section of the Reports feature to help you to know what to expect when using the feature.  If you learn better by video, be sure to check out our VIDEO TUTORIAL: REPORTS.


To access the Reports feature, click MY ACCOUNT and then select REPORTS from the drop-down menu.  Reports are only available to those with an active inventory account and can not be accessed to print information for our Price Guide.  Once inventory has been added to your account, the service offers the ability to print reports of the information you have entered. 


First option available is the ability to choose to run a report on all the collectibles to which you have access, or to select one specific collectible.

For your convenience, we have created a few 'quick reports' for you where we have already selected which fields to show and in which order to display them.  Simply click onto the Quick Report you wish to run and the items will present on the page. If you wish to modify one of these reports or view which parameters are being selected, simply first run the report and then use your browser 'back' button to return to this report creation page.  Once you return to this page, you'll notice that report parameters are selected on the right hand side of the page.  This will not only allow you to see which items are included, which fields have been selected as well as in which order the items have been selected to sort.  If you want to return to the report, just click RUN REPORT again.  If you wish to modify any of the parameters, simply make any changes you wish and click RUN REPORTS.  For example, if you wish to sort the Quick Insurance Report in a different way, first click Insurance Report and allow the report to run.  Once it displays, click your browsers 'back' button to return to the reports page.  Locate the SORT BY options and select whichever fields by which you wish to sort.

If once you create a custom report that you find yourself using again and again, you can save that report as one of your own 'custom reports'.  Simply choose the parameters of your desired reports by populating or selecting any combination of the fields on the right hand side of the page.  Choose SAVE CUSTOM REPORT and name your report.  Once this is done, you'll see your newly saved report under SAVED REPORTS in the left-hand navigation area.  Whenever you return to this page, simply click the report name to run that report.



This side of the page allows you the flexibility to create almost any type of report that you wish to run.  You will have the ability to choose which items to include, which fields to show and in what order to show it.  You can also filter your items by category or subcategory.

From the drop down menu, select which items you would included in your custom report.

Enter the word or phrase for which you would to search and select from the drop down menu in which field you would like to search for that keyword.  When entering more than word, the search will find 'all words, any order'.  For example, if you enter ‘Angel Boy’ and select ‘titles’, you are asking for a report where all the items with the words ‘Angel’ and ‘Boy’ are in the title of the item.  If you do not want to search by keyword, you can leave this field blank.

If you wish to search within the LOCATION field in each item, then enter the keyword you would like to find in this field.  If you do not wish to search within the LOCATION field, leave this field blank.

If you wish to search by the date you acquired a piece, enter that date in this field and those items will come up.  COMING SOON will be the ability to search 'greater than', 'less than' or a 'range' of dates.  Right now, only a specific date can be entered. If you do not wish to search within the LOCATION field, leave this field blank.

If you wish to search for the specific year of your items, enter the year in this field and then from the drop-down menu select if you wish to search withing INTRO DATE, RETIRED DATE, SUSPENDED DATE or ALL YEARS for items.  If you do not wish to search by YEAR, leave this field blank.

If you wish to search within the SIGNATURE field within each item, then enter the keyword you would like to find in this field.  If you do not wish to search by SIGNATURE, leave this field blank.

If you wish to search within a specific CATEGORY or SUBCATEGORY, choose those from the drop-down menus provided.  If you have selected to run a report within 'all guides', the ALL Categries and Subcategories from within ALL your guides will be shown in these drop-down menus.  If you select a specific collectible, then only that collectible's categories and subcategories will populate the menus.  If you do not wish to filter by category or subcategory, leaves these at 'all categories' and 'all subcategories'.

From the drop down menu, you can choose how you would like your report to sort.  The first field will select the first level of sort and the 2nd field will assign a second level of sort, if you wish.  This means if you have TITLE selected in the first field and YEAR in the second field, the report will display your search results in order of Title and then Year.

This area allows you to select which fields you would like to display in your report.  Simply click whichever and as many as you would like.  If you do not select any, the item#, title and quantity will always show automatically.

For your convenience a 'check all' button is offered which will automatically checkmark every option.  If you want more fields than not, then it might save some time to click 'check all' and then UNSELECT the fields you do not wish to include.  The RESET button will remove all checkmarks, allowing you to start over. 

Keep in mind that the more fields you have checkmarked, the longer your report will be.